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invest in your investment 2014 local board plans submissions close 6 August

Rental property investment offers potential for micro and macro improvements, on the macro level your local board has released its draft plans, and are seeking submissions, before August 6 2014 why not invest in reading the draft, and considering what's planned for you area.

Consider that your rates, fund local investment, and ultimately shape the areas desirability for tenants, potential future buyers and ultimately the value of your rental property.

Invest 30 minutes to consider your investments local board plans, and help shape the area with submissions, the approach to my local boards has generally been one of choosing what i believe to be their most important and least important investments, and to submit requesting more emphasis on what I believe to be of most value to the local area.

A fair amount of time and money goes into creating Local board plans, so shape them while you can with consideration and submissions.

Find your local plans here


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