Here at Chase Property Management we understand how hard it can be to find a rental property when you have a pet.
Tenants with pets are often viewed as less than desirable by Rental Property Owners.
But here’s the thing, often a landlord can miss out on the ideal tenant because they can see past that small detail.
If you are a good tenant “one who pays the rent, keeps the place clean and tidy, and keeps the peace with your neighbours”. Then you are ideal! And we would want you!!!
In our view having a pet is an indication that you are committed, and reliable, and that you can take care of something every day, your also likely to be a longer tenant, because it’s a hassle to find a new rental when you have a pet. Now while this is a big generalisation, in many cases it is likely to be true.
Myself I have had a dog for over 8 years, yes when she was a puppy she chewed some shoes, but since then not a bad word has been said about this dog by all 4 previous landlords.
SO…. If you have a pet and you are a “good tenant” (one who pays the rent, keeps the house clean and tidy, and ideally makes friends with your neighbours,).
Here’s what I would advise:
(word of warning: be prepared that if your pet damages the property, and we see the damage, you will have 14 days to get the damage professionally repaired).
If you really want that house you could always offer an extra $X per week in rent money really is a great motivator.
Finally… Pick the right house to start with, so you don’t have to move!!!!
I hope this helps.
If you need any property management related services, give us a call, and have a chat.